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News | Hosting Senior Leadership @Nyenrode

From September on I will expand my activities at Nyenrode Business University, voted as best Dutch University 2015 by the Financial Times. Next to team coaching and masterclasses, I will be hosting the Senior Leadership Development Program (SLDP).

This means I will be responsible for the acquisition, development and execution of the program as well as for content and methods. During the Executive Development I will primarily take responsibility for the guidance of group processes and the individual learning.


Prof. Dr. André Wierdsma

Dr. Edgar Karssing

Christo Nel

Dr. Daniëlle Melis MBA

Drs. Richard Janssen

Prof. Dr. Dennis Vink

Set up

The Senior Leadership Development Program (held in Dutch) lasts about 6 months. During this period there will be 5 modules held of 2 to 2.5 days including peer-to-peer reflection.

Module 1 Organization dynamics and personal values

Module 2 Gaining business insight: strategy and financial drivers

Module 3 Personal leadership: impact, effectiveness, patterns and repertoire

Module 4 Leading sustainable change: how to create real movement?

Module 5 Impact & empowerment

More information?

Reach out to me or the program coordinator Brenda Gallardo Torres.

T 0346 291 441



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