Masterclass Voice Drama

Want to use playfulness and arts in your practice as an experienced coach or trainer? We are hosting a masterclass Voice Drama with one of our favorite teachers: Lex Mulder. Lex has +30 years of experience and has written various books on using arts and creativity in both coaching and training.
There are few places left so drop us a line if you're interested to join us on September 22 in Amsterdam. Please note that this class will be in Dutch. what is Voice Drama by the way?
Lex developed it in the 90's as a mixture of psychodrama and Voice Dialogue. In this approach the psycho drama method is used based on the theoretical frame of the Psychology of Selves. Your inner world, all the voices that play a part in your learning question, are played out in the room by the others present. You get a chance to 'move around in your own inner world'. Voicedrama is a dynamic approach to strengthen your insights into effective and ineffective behaviour. You'll also discover new behaviours.